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Shea Butter Soap - Lavender

Shea Butter Soap - Lavender

Our wild crafted English Lavender & Golden Shea Butter flavor is a gentle soothing bar of soap with gentle cleansing property designed for chemically sensitive skin. This flavor offers all the natural elements necessary for revitalization and skin health and healing giving off a fresh sweet lavender scent which is enjoyed by both men and women. 
The benefits of adding Lavender to the golden Shea along with our other combination of base oils offers numerous benefits for acne, eczema, psoriasis, athlete's foot, insect bites and irritated skin. We chose home grown wild crafted English lavender which is free of pesticides, herbicides and synthesized fertilizers the lavender is hung to dry the buds are then removed followed by the use steam distillation to extract the essential oils there is no alcohol used in this process.

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